I've strayed a bit from my desire to knit the Every Way Wrap. It's not that it isn't pretty to me anymore or something simple like that. No. My problem is that I can't conquer the swatch. I'm almost certain that I'm being punished for swatching in Debbie Bliss Cashmerino Aran, but I couldn't help myself--it was just laying around the house after I knit a pair of Fetching mitts--and it was calling me.
I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong when reading the cable chart pattern (and yes, I downloaded the corrected chart from Interweave). I need a bit of help here because, not that I expected them to, but the directions just aren't speaking to me. I must be a complete idiot, because believe it or not, even though this magazine just hit the racks, MANY people on Ravelry have already finished this wrap. Knitters amaze me.
I've tried to swatch the chart for the wrap and ripped back 6 times. My problem is that the knits and purls don't line up for me after the set up row. When I go to cable following the chart, I'm knitting the purls and purling the knit stitches. It's enough to make a girl throw in the towel yarn.
So please look at the chart and tell me if you agree with my very obviously simple minded interpretation:
I will knit the cable set up row (wrong side) from right to left, correct?
I will then start the cable chart with row 1 (right side) reading right to left again and then row two reading left to right. Do you think this is right? Or do you think in order to save my sanity, I should just cast on something simple like another Ruby shawl?